Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 14th International Conference on Biofuels and Bioenergy | Paris, France.

Day 2 :

Keynote Forum

Hana Hanahamadalla

Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources, Sudan.

Keynote: National framework Strategy of biofuel- Sudan Experience

Time : 9am to 9:30am


Hana has completed his PhD at University of Khartoum in 2010, occupied different positions: Assistant Professor - Senior Researcher at Higher Council for Environment & Natural Resources. General Director of the Environmental Affairs and General Director of Climate Change Directorate - Ministry of Environment Natural Resources & Physical Development. Sudan’s Forests National Corporation (FNC) in various parts at States and its Departments. UNFCCC Expert Reviewer of Climate Change National Communication/Biannual/ Biannual update Reports for Developed and developing Countries respectively. Chair of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 2017.



The production and use of biofuels have entered a new era of global growth, with both the scale of the industry and the number of countries involved reaching unprecedented levels. Investments in biofuels production are being driven by a variety of factors, that include the development of more efficient conversion technologies, the introduction of sound new government policies, growing international trade and of course, the rising price of oil, concern for future energy supplies and  climate change have led to growing interest in the use of biomass for energy purposes. Several studies have shown the potential for liquid biofuel production on the African continent.

Sudan has favorable growing conditions, and the availability of land, water and labor that may contribute considerably to the biofuel production potential.

Sudan government   defined the necessary to develop their own national biofuel strategy framework to guide biofuel investments and production in the country.

Sudan identified Barriers and risks   that may face the biofuel production and also identified many steps to develop its national strategy of biofuel to enhance the production of the biofuel at national level, Sudan prepared a pilot project to use it as a mode of learning by doing.

Case study undertaken as pilot project, National E10 Project which uses ethanol as a gasoline additive to increase octane number and reduce vehicle emissions. The first Sudanese pilot project, the joint venture project between Kenan Sugar (KSC) and Nile Petroleum Company. The project, which will mix gasoline with 10 per cent of ethanol, is located in Kennan premises at the White Nile State.


Keynote Forum

Amir Hosein Esmaielpour

Currently a student of a Ph.D. in Kharazmi university in Iran.

Keynote: Sustainable microalgae to biodiesel stochastic multi-objective supply chain model

Time : 9:30am to 10:00am


Amir Hosein Esmaielpour has received his master's from the University of Semnan in Iran for industrial engineering at the age of 25, and he is currently a student of a Ph.D. in Kharazmi university in Iran. His master thesis was about the supply chain system for biodiesel produced from algae.



Today, with increasing the need for producing renewable, economical, and environmentally friendly fuels, the role of the supply chain system for biofuels has been studied more severe than before. One of the sources of biodiesel production is algae that nowadays has become one of the most important biomass conversion resources to biodiesel. In this study, the supply chain design issue is trying to implement the supply chain in areas where have the implementation capability and create algal production fields and the biodiesel production factory in Iran. The designed model has the location capability out of 20 candidate locations for production and sending biodiesel produced from microalgae in conditions of uncertainty and with three target functions. To deal with these conditions, the stochastic model has suggested with different scenarios. According to the results, the expense of production and sending each American barrel biodiesel unit is estimated at $ 8.56 and its environmental effects, about 16.95 Kg CO2 / GGE, and also about 1742 jobs have been created in production centers and sending the materials.


  • Biofuels


In the next few decades energy crisis will be faced by the world at a great extent due to diversified use of non-renewable energy (fossil fuel). Resulting, it is high time to think about alternative source of fossil fuel. In this regard, biogas a renewable and effective energy source which can be a great replacement of fossil fuel can be produced through anaerobic digestion is one of the best options for rumen digesta management which will lead to production of energy-rich biogas, reduction in GHGs emissions and effective pollution control in butchery. The study was investigated to enhance biogas production from rumen digesta by anaerobic co-digestion process at mesophilic condition. The experiment was carried out in 3000 ml batch type digester. The mixing ratio used was 1:1 for 40 days hydraulic retention time. Produced gas was measured by water replacement method. The result showed that co-digestion of rumen digesta with vegetables increased the biogas production. The maximum biogas generation from rumen digesta of chicken and goat, cow and chicken, cow and goat and co-digestion of four substrates were 93.5,1311, 36.1, and 1072 ml/day at the 14th, 13th, 24th, and 7th day respectively. The average biogas generation was found for the above samples were 3.35, 96.80, 11.09, and 137.12 ml/day respectively. The higher cumulative production of biogas was found from co-digestion of rumen digesta with vegetables. Therefore, the study is suggested that optimum co-digestion mixing ratio which produced biogas might be holds promise for the future energy crisis recovery.



In this work, a hybrid method based on neural network and particle swarm optimization is applied to literature data to develop and validate a model that can predict with precision vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the binary systems (hexafluoroethane (R116(1)), 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R134a) and R1234ze) used for solar-photovoltaic refrigeration system. ANN was used for modelling the non-linear process. The PSO was used for two purposes: replacing the standard backpropagation in training the ANN and optimizing the process. Statistical analysis of the predictability of theptimizedeural network model shows excellent  agreement  with  experimental  data (coefficient of correlation equal to 0.998). Furthermore, the comparison in terms of average relative deviation (AARD%) between, the predicted results shows that the ANN-PSO model can predict far better the refrigerant mixture properties than classical models. This new approach has allowed the development of computer program in (MATLAB 2017) for the execution of optimized model which can provide a useful tool for design study (changing the solar system parameters-inputs of graphical user interface- and the evaluation of the efficiency of solar system (given as output parameter).

Hana Shamata

Tatweer for Engineering and Technology Research, Libya

Title: The Application of PV systems in Libyan Schools




Libya is one of the largest oil producers in North Africa. Most of the country relies on the oil-based energy economy, furthermore, it is one of the countries that recently struggles to satisfy the increasing energy demand. With the growth of demand for oil and gas in addition to the negative environmental impacts associated with global warming, it is a must to look for more reliable and sustainable alternative energy sources. Fortunately, Libya has a high potential for renewable energy, solar energy in particular. In this paper, we study the implementation of PV systems on Libyan schools' rooftops either to sustain itself or inject the energy generated to the grid. The idea behind the schools came from the fact that most of the public schools have almost the same rooftop area and distributed all over the country, along with embedding the renewable energy in the curriculum to encourage the consumption of electricity for students who are the most effective generation socially, applying that will increase the job opportunities in PV field and education is an ultimate start. This study focuses on public schools and takes the El-Aaid El-fathi school in Benghazi as a case study. After that, the total energy that can be generated has been determined for this case study by about 168MWh per year and then the result generalized on the public schools in Libya that reaches to about 504GWh yearly that will save 309 k number of oil barrels.



Aaron Yair is an emeritus professor in department of geography at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. He completed his studies from Université de Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is mainly interested in the study of geomorphic processes in arid and semiarid environments. In 1972 he established, in the Negev Highlands, the long-term Sede Boqer Research Station, characteristic of an arid rocky area. Research in the station is highly interdisciplinary and covers the main following aspects: Rainfall-runoff relationships; soil moisture; effect of runoff water redistribution on vegetation and soil development; effect of bioturbation on erosion rates and soil development; chemical composition of rainwater and runoff water; isotopic composition of rainfall and runoff and processes of groundwater recharge. Extrapolation of data obtained into larger spatial and temporal scales under changing climatic conditions. Effects of loess and sand accumulation on hydrological processes. In 1988 he established (in the frame of the Minerva Arid Ecosystems Research Centre) the Nizzana Research Site. The site represents a sandy ecosystem. Topics under study cover the following aspects: Monitoring the effect of a biological topsoil crust on infiltration, runoff frequency and rates. Recovery rates of the biological topsoil crust following disturbance. Use of remote sensing techniques for the monitoring of biological crust recovery. Monitoring of water percolation and movement in a longitudinal dune. Eolian and fluvial interactions in the evolution of the Nizzana sand field. Dating of eolian and fluvial stages.



Dryland areas are usually regarded as highly sensitive to climatic changes. A positive relationship between average annual rainfall and environmental variables is often assumed for such areas. However, the global climatological models fail to address an important issue. With decreasing annual rainfall water resources may be highly dependent on surface properties and rainfall characteristics at a rainstorm level, which greatly influence the degree to which rainwater will percolate, or will be transformed into runoff, thereby significantly affecting the spatial redistribution of water resources. In other words, a climate change in dryland areas would be expected to have differential hydrological effects in a sandy area, a rocky area or in loess covered area. Differential hydrological effects would also be expected within each of the areas listed above. The Northern Negev desert offers unique conditions for the study of the possible effects, along a rainfall gradient, under changing surface conditions. Two case studies are considered. The first deals with the environmental effects of loess penetration into the area during a wet climatic phase. The second considers the differential effects of biological. Topsoil crusts on the water regime in a dry sandy area. Data obtained draw attention to the complex relationships between average annual rainfall, surface properties, water resources and ecosystem structure. In both areas considered the increase in the average annual rainfall had negative effects on the water resources and related ecological properties.